• New York Times Highlights Clinton Video on Page One

    Catching a train to NYC this morning to moderate at the Advertising 2.0 conference, I picked up a New York Times, something I rarely do anymore, having moved to the online version a long time ago. In a sign of the times (no pun) there on page one, under a huge picture of Barack Obama the caption identified him outside the Capitol yesterday, and continued, "A video looks at his party's long and grueling primary battle: nytimes.com/politics."

    It's pretty cool to think that this is where things have progressed to: a major newspaper prominently highlighting a video it has fully produced as part of its news coverage. Talk about a blurring of the lines between different media segments. Going online I found the video, shot in documentary style with narration to be every bit as professional as something one would find on the networks.

    My only gripe is that the video is woefully under-monetized. No pre-roll, post-roll or mid-rolls in a 10+ minute video. And even the accompanying display ad is a house ad for the Times's career columnist. If the Times is going to invest in creating great video, it should at least make money at it! Hopefully next time...