• NATPE Conference in 2 Weeks

    The annual NATPE conference in Las Vegas is coming up in 2 weeks, beginning on January 28th. If you're involved in content deal-making, whether on traditional or broadband platforms, NATPE promises once again to be a must-attend show. The agenda and registration are here.

    I'll be there, hosting a new "Digital Briefing" day-long track on Tuesday, in which a series of broadband innovators will be presenting, including Joost, Vuze, PermissionTV, Digital Fountain and others. It promises to be an extremely informative day, with lots of time for Q&A.

    The show will feature a ton of high-profile industry executives in panel discussions, keynotes and one-on-ones. The list includes: Jeff Zucker (NBC), Bob Pittman (Pilot Group), Greg Clayman (MTV), Jason Kilar (Hulu), Matt Strauss (Comcast), Mike Hudack (blip), Shelly Lazarus (Oglivy), Gary Gannaway (WorldNow), Jordan Hoffner (YouTube), Tim Armstrong (Google), Michael Eisner (Torante), Peter Levinsohn (FIM) and many others.

    I'll be around the whole time, if you're coming drop me a line if you'd like to meet!