• NY Times Gives Online Video High-Profile Coverage With Today's "Sofa Wars" Series

    More evidence that online video has gone mainstream, as the NY Times is running a series today, dubbed "The Sofa Wars," includes half a dozen articles looking at online video's incursion into the living room. Included in the series are articles on cord-cutting (or the lack thereof), Sony's bet on Crackle, the range of connected devices vying for market share, the role of 3D in selling TVs and Dish Network's new online initiatives.

    The Times' coverage further underscores how online video has burst into the public consciousness in the past few years. In the pre-YouTube era (before 2005), online video was still a fringe activity for people willing to hunt around for valuable video and suffer through often sub-optimal delivery quality. Now, as comScore reports each month, online video is watched by the vast majority of Internet users. It's becoming as common as sending an email. With connected devices proliferating to bring online video to TVs, what additional consumer behavior changes can we expect over the next 5 years?

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