• Save the Date: Next VideoSchmooze on Wed., Dec. 5th in NYC

    Please save the date for the next VideoSchmooze: Online Video Leadership Forum, on Wednesday, December 5th, at the McGraw-Hill conference center in NYC. This will be the 9th VideoSchmooze that VideoNuze has hosted and I think it will be the best yet, packed with lots of learning and networking with industry leaders in an expanded morning format beginning with breakfast at 7:30am and concluding at 12 noon.

    2012 has been a huge year for online video and 2013 is shaping up to be event bigger. VideoSchmooze will feature a mix of keynotes, fireside chats and panel discussions during which we will explore the industry through four significant themes: Strategic/Financial, Innovation, TV Everywhere and Monetization/Devices. I am thrilled about the initial speakers who are committed, and I will be sharing further details in the coming weeks. I expect this VideoSchmooze will be another must-attend event for executives responsible for their companies' online video efforts who need to stay on the cutting edge.

    Currently thePlatform and AOL are on board as sponsors, and additional opportunities are available (please contact me if interested).