CBS, Intel in Talks Over TV Programming Deal

The head of CBS, Les Mooonves told analysts during a fourth quarter earnings call that the network is currently in talks with Intel about a programming deal. That's one network down for Intel, countless more to go for the chip maker turned content provider.
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Photo: Intel Photos /Flickr

Score one for Intel, which has picked up one of the big networks to provide content for its forthcoming set-top box.

CBS boss Les Moonves told analysts during a fourth-quarter earnings call that the network is negotiating a programming deal with Intel, which wants to take on the likes of Dish TV and Roku. The company announced Tuesday that it is creating a set-top box that would stream TV over the web. The box and service would put the company, better known for silicon, in direct competition with content provides like Comcast and Time Warner cable.

The device itself would also replace the over-the-top offerings from Apple, Roku and Western Digital and was touted as an "all in one solution" by Intel’s corporate vice president of media, Erik Huggers.

Intel told the audience at the Dive Into Media event that it is actively talking to networks about the service. But would not name names. Moonves, who has a tenuous relationship with the tech media (See CNET/Hopper debacle), didn't seemed to have gotten that memo.

Expect How I Met Your Mother and NCIS when the unnamed Intel box makes its debut sometime in 2013.