Waiting for the Zune Generation

CORRECTED | 9/12 1:00 PM

On Wednesday, Adam Sohn, the head of public relations for Microsoft’s Zune division, told me: “Babies are born every day without an iPod. We will get there.”

That summarizes the challenge Zune faces from Apple — and Microsoft’s determination (at least for now) to meet it.

It’s hard enough trying to make a product that is more attractive, innovative, easy to use and cool than Apple does. But now many iPods are replacements by people who already have substantial music collections in iTunes. For those people, the choice is between buying an iPod that will simply work with all their music or investing the time and effort to try to convert everything tracks purchased from iTunes into Zune’s formats.

No wonder that after two years in the music player business, Zune only has a 2 percent market share.

When the Microsoft delegation arrived last year to unveil the second generation of players, Chris Stephenson, Zune’s marketing head, said the company’s low market share in its first year was because it had only offered a hard-drive model at the high end of the market. With the addition of less expensive flash players, starting at $149. Mr. Stephenson said the company hoped to vault to No. 2 in the market, leaping past SanDisk.

“Fifteen percent [market share] would be great for us,” he said.

SanDisk still sells four times more music players than Microsoft does.

On Wednesday, Mr. Sohn dismissed SanDisk because most of its sales were for players that cost less than $100. Microsoft would rather add more features and sell players at higher price points, he said.

When Mr. Sohn got to the demo, I didn’t see anything in the third generation of Zunes that is going to shake up the market. Like Apple, it added capacity at its existing price points. It’s got a little trick to let you identify songs you hear listening to the FM radio and buy them from Zune’s music store.

Two years after introducing the only really groundbreaking feature on the Zune — its WiFi access — Microsoft finally will let users buy songs directly on the device using the WiFi. (Yes, Apple, which has had WiFi devices since the iPhone and iPod Touch, added wireless purchases last year.) And Microsoft has made a variety of tweaks to its PC software and to the social network it introduced last year.

I asked Mr. Sohn what the company’s research showed for why people actually bought the Zune. All these small-bore features, including the vaunted social network, weren’t on the list.

Some like the FM radio, he said. A geeky hard core likes the fact it can sync music with a computer over WiFi. And some video fans liked that the screen size of the hard-drive Zune was bigger than the iPod classic. He admitted that the new $229 starting price point for the iPod Touch, which has a larger screen yet, was going to cause some trouble in that corner of Zune’s tiny market.

Speaking of the Touch and the iPhone, I asked Mr. Sohn why Microsoft wasn’t adding more really innovative features. The evolution of music players into flexible handheld computers should play into Microsoft’s strengths as a maker of broad platforms.

Microsoft, Mr. Sohn said, is sticking to its initial conception that Zune is product that is devoted to music primarily and video secondarily. Microsoft’s entertainment and device unit, under the leadership of Robert Bach, tries to have much more focus and clarity than most other parts of the company. The Windows Mobile division, which Mr. Bach also oversees, makes software for smartphones, and one of these years will have an answer to the iPhone.

But even in music and video, it seems like Microsoft is missing the opportunity to make Zune a much more interesting platform. Most significantly, to my mind, is whether the devices can offer much more free content by the artful use of advertising. Unlike Apple, Microsoft has a big division devoted to advertising. The WiFi connections on all the Zune players would be ideal to stream ad-supported video and maybe music.

We’re working on it, Mr. Sohn told me. But last year J Allard, a top strategist for Mr. Bach, described an elaborate vision for Microsoft to be in the center of all media, none of which has come to fruition so far. Meanwhile, Apple continues to weave its way deeper and deeper into the music, video and now telephone business. And it has a shot at defining the next platform for handheld computing as well.

No wonder that Mr. Sohn is looking to this year’s crop of newborns as the real target market for Zune.
As a commenter, and Matt Rosoff on Cnet’s Digital Noise blog point out, the Zune software does a nice job of indexing and playing the unprotected songs that iTunes has ripped in the AAC format. Zune can’t read the protected format used by Apple for paid downloads (except from some labels that now allow Apple to sell unprotected AAC files). Yes you can convert those files too, by burning them to a CD and reimporting them, but that’s a hassle. Protected video can’t be converted.

So while some people may think there is a barrier to their switching from an iPod to a Zune, the real limit is far less than I initially wrote, except for people who have purchased a lot of music from Apple.

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Thank you for a terrific article. I don’t have a Zune or an iPod, but when my tekkie brother buys a product, I follow suit (since he will be my technical support). I must admit, I was shocked when he bought a MAC, being a PC man for man years. I was even more shocked when he started buying the iPhones and the iPods, he says they are superior over what Microsoft currently offers. (I’m getting me an iPod!)

I think Microsoft needs to realize that they no longer can hold users hostage like they currently do with the PC, and realize that yes, we can make our own intelligent choices.

I think what you are missing is that the primary goal of the Zune is to be a music player first and foremost. The inclusion of other features, such as web browsing and the like would be interesting on some level but it detracts from the primary mission of creating a good music player. More than that, the more features a device has the more points of failure exist. I believe MS is *very* concerned about that and, considering their public perception, it makes a lot of sense for them to focus their efforts in one sphere on this device. Also, I believe you are missing some of the benefits of the new Zune firmware and software. If you have the subscription service (which doesn’t preclude you from also buying the music outright) the new features really start to stand out. Even better, you don’t have to buy a new Zune to use those features. Every Zune ever made is instantly upgradable. Make no mistake, MS is in this for the long term and they do have a history of taking what seem to be losing products and turning them into serious industry contenders.

Microsoft needs to make the Zune sync and integrate within Windows Media Center. For example, from the “Recorded TV” screen, I should be able to select a show and choose “sync to Zune”. Working together, they could help grow both LOBs. Also, the WiFi should allow remote streaming of MCE content ala Slingbox. MS will never win a design/image/cool contest with Apple. And would someone please equip these players with bluetooth?

“Mr. Sohn dismissed SanDisk because most of its sales were for players that cost less than $100. Microsoft would rather add more features and sell players at higher price points”

Well for $50 I can buy a Sansa four years old with lots of features like radio, recording, expandable memory and replaceable rechargeable batteries. In my opinion they still beat the Zune and Ipod.

Premium features like Wi-Fi are only going to be for accessing the Brands “service”, so that feature is almost null.

Apple and Microsoft will always be a reason NOT to buy into the feature poor branded MP3 Players.

“The WiFi connections on all the Zune players would be ideal to stream ad-supported video and maybe music.”

Not that I’ll ever own a Zune, but must every single thing we come into contact with be turned into a device for delivering advertising? Bleah.

Microsoft has finally caught up from releasing last year’s features on the Zune, to releasing yesterday’s features on the Zune. Maybe when they start coming up with today’s and tomorrow’s features I’ll start pulling out my wallet.

Well the real problem is that Apple has already done what this article is suggesting MS do: it’s called the iPhone. And it’s really a music and video playing, web browsing handheld computer (that happens to make calls).

There have often been rumors of a Zune phone, but again, it strikes me as being a bit late to the party if it ever happens. Although I do see an opportunity for MS in that Apple is really not satisfying the mainstream market with the iPhone and its touch-screen and bulk. A lot of people still want clamshells with buttons, and I don’t see why MS couldn’t cede the touchscreen market to Apple while grabbing the other 95% of the phone market for themselves with an advanced clamshell design.

The idea of serving ads on Zune devices is a non-starter, though. People already aren’t buying these things, and you’re suggesting approaching this problem by actually making them *more* annoying?

I bought an 8gb zune last year and loved it – until I switched from PC to mac. I planned on running XP in a VM just so I could keep the zune, but no dice – so I sold it and am planning on buying an iPod. If MS was serious about the player markeplace they would support the MAC and supply S/W to help users convert their collections from iTunes – but at least push out S/W support for the MAC. I really thought the zune was vastly superior to the nano. My daughter has a nano and agreed the zune was better. So why not support it on the mac?

Why I bought a Zune over IPOD:

1) Itunes is an insidious program which is way too huge and slow for what it does.
2) I don’t like Apple products as a whole. When I use them it feels like boxing with one hand tied behind your back.
3) Ipod touch may have a large screen (and a new low price), but it has small capacity. With the 80 gig Zune 80, which is about the same price as the new ipod touch, you get a fairly large screen and a huge capacity; so you can have 50-60 gigs of music and still have a decent amount of space left over to have a few movies and television shows.

I really wish NYTimes would stop sucking up to Apple all the time.

The Zune is uniquely uncompetitive. It’s not the market leader, but it charges the same prices. It doesn’t offer a touch screen, even as the high end music playing market goes in that direction. It doesn’t offer bluetooth, which is what some of the low end players are moving towards. It doesn’t do much with wifi. It’s not as open as the low end player, but doesn’t offer all the content of Ipod, either.

If Zune and Windows Mobile can’t even get together, I can’t see MS ever making much progress against the integrated offerings of Apple.

Time for MS to review and consolidate their mobile offerings before it’s too late. Neither Vista nor mobile made it onto netbooks, mobile isn’t competitive with iphone OR blackberry, no iphone competitive tablets, etc. If Android takes off from nowhere, that’s about as pure a disaster as MS can have.

Time to blow it up and build on live mesh. This incremental decentralized approach is getting them killed, and costing a lot of money in the meantime.

A real key for me is the subscription service. I listen to new bands all the time and love the fact that I can download a couple of albums (yeah, albums – I’m old and grew up with vinyl, but an album is a collection of songs) and listen to them one or more times and decide if I like the band. If I do, then I can pick the songs I want and create a collection of songs where I like all of them. Thirty second snippets do not give you enough to work with.

And If multiple family members are using the subscription service it leverages it even more. I use, my daughter uses it, and my son uses it.

I also like how Zune upgrades their software so that your current Zune is all up to date.

I like my Zune as a player but am frustrated that I can’t easily buy music online from Zune marketplace now that we’ve moved to the UK–Microsoft Zune’s lack of international presence is a killer.Bill needs to pay his lawyers more and get the rights he needs–apple did.

Microsoft should just concede the music player business to Apple and forget about the whole embarrassing “Zune” thing. They’re a lot bigger than Apple but they’re chasing Apple’s tail on this one. Microsoft needs to find areas in which it can innovate and then do it or end up a dying giant.

I would just be so delighted if Windows Media Player mirrored the Zune software (playlists and all, please), so that I didn’t have to fuss with BOTH software platforms to get music onto flash-drive, non-Zune players and Zune.

I love the 80-gig Zune. Great sound, long-lasting battery, sleek and lovely. But the social thing? The “Hey, didja hear this one,” thing? Really? I don’t think so. And since I can’t get the WiFi to reliably work with my PC, that’s an unimportant feature as well.

The software. Improve the Zune software and STICK WITH IT. If I have to screw around with digital music files again because yet another Microsoft Music Store closed (remember MSN Music?) I’m gonna frickin’ lose my mind!

Thank you.

Yeah right, i wish soooo much to let my kids become MS slaves that I’m buying a zune for each of them this Xmas..

…by the way, i was trying to be sarcastic…


Adding features shouldn’t be a scary thing if you are in the business of making quality products. That’s the problem with Microsoft though, they just can’t make quality products or software. They bog down the simple ideas and leave the obvious ones on the cutting room floor. I’ve used both platforms for years (PC/MAC) and have always and always will favor the Apple over MS.

Chris, I’m guessing that you are an MS employee or work for an MS-partner.

I can point out something that you’re missing. MS sells software to IHVs for phones, and it sells software to IHVs for nettops and other PC form factors. The Zune can’t move into these markets without MS attacking their own OEMs. Even if the Zune team was willing to do that, I’m pretty sure that the Windows Mobile, Windows Embedded and Windows divisions wouldn’t let them. I’d believe that was the reason over some claim that they want to be a good audio device, because it is obvious that plan isn’t getting them anywhere.

To wit: the Portable Media Center, a Zune progenitor that was hobbled by the Windows division into being a “better together” device for Windows Media Center assuring it’s failure.

If the Zune team had been able to make some headway and profit early on they might be able to defeat the corporate anti-bodies. With their current market position, they’ll be beholden to any of the 800 pound gorillas that rule MS.

Microsoft executives are whistling past the graveyard. They’ve somehow managed to convince themselves that a less-capable, less-attractive, less-convenient product with features that nobody seems to really find desirable can explode to 750% of its current market share, if we only gave it time to grow. Who’s willing to give up their iPod, which has an interface that just about everyone in the Western world is familiar with, for a product that, by its own admission, does fewer things and does them less intuitively? I’d buy up Bear Stearns stock before I put too much faith in the Zune.

Zune is just an inferior product today. It’s 5 years behind in offerings and user experience. With iTunes as the #1 music retailer, Zune has no business to enter the market without developing some kind of relation with iTunes.

If you want just a “Primary” music player — pick up a display screen-less flash player. But, by having a screen on your player means user-experience expectations are higher.

MS missed the boat. Cut your losses and focus on your real problem — Vista.

Microsoft has to spend its Windows tax revenues somewhere… The’ll blow billions over the years, arguing that they have staying power and will win out ‘in the end’. Some strategy.

Asking why Microsoft doesn’t innovate is a good question to which they could never give you a straight answer. The answer of course is that it never has, and likely never will.

@Helen — It’s ironic that you lecture MS about not holding users hostage then you want to run out and buy an iPod. Welcome to the iJail featuring iDRM, proprietary formats and astronomical repair costs. You think that Steve Jobs won’t do everything in his power to lock you in? The “don’t be evil” company isn’t Apple — they have no problem with evil.

Its cool hearing this from someone,microsoft does doesn’t hold you hostage with their products.You’ve got a wide range of products out there,microsoft will always bounce back in its offerings

Your brother must not be too “techie”, Helen, or he would know better. Macs are not just better, far from it. They are prettier, and easier to use, in some ways, because there are so fewer choices (in software (Apple and third party), hardware, etc. since so few companies can afford to agressively target the niche of Mac users). But they are also far more expensive for what you get, and far more shabbily constructed compared to similarly priced computers from their competitors.

I bought a Sandisk player last year, but the funny thing is…I hardly use it. I ripped all my CDs and actually carved a few tracks off my old vinyl into MP3s in order to be able to listen to them on my new player. Instead, I have put about 200 MP3s on CD and listen to my personal radio station on my way to and from work each day. For my old beater truck, I bought a player from NewEgg that plugs into the cigarette lighter, accepts a thumb drive, and broadcasts on the ends of the FM dial. Since I don’t live in the city, I don’t need to hear the traffic reports, and I am now 100% insulated from commercials with no monthly satellite subscription fee. Digital Music has significantly improved my quality of life.

Sadly, my favorite alternative radio station has now changed into a Spanish language pop format, so my collection has stopped expanding and I will need at some point to bring some new blood into my audio gene pool.

I’ve had a zune for almost a year now, and I have yet to hear Microsoft hype up one of the best aspects of it. My electronic life, like most Americans, revolves around Windows based PCs. The Zune is much more compatible with Windows than iPods are- you don’t need to deal with any of the software that makes your music compatible with the device, since your system already knows. Further, it’s easily compatible with my 360- I can just plug the Zune into my gaming console and listen to music from my TV.
Electronic music collections shouldn’t have barriers to compatibility; they should be capable of easily being enjoyed on multiple platforms. That’s something the iPod doesn’t offer as well as the Zune.